A Tour of My Christmas Tree : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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A Tour of My Christmas Tree

by Joanne Hillestad on 12/17/18

A Tour of My Christmas Tree

We love to collect ornaments during trips.  So you do the same?  Here is a quick tour of our Christmas tree and some of the ornaments we collected on family vacations.

Mount Vernon, 2013

Colorado, 2009

Grand Canyon, 2015ish

Royal Gorge, Colorado, 2009?

Arizona, 200?

Michigan, 2008

Washington DC... but this says 2007... so I think this was a gift from my mom from her trip.

Florida, 2007ish
That was a fun trip with our favorite travelling family... the Ihfes.  

The Great Salt Lake, Quilt Market, 2016

Germany with my son's German Class, 2013

And a cat for good measure...
Happy Holidays!

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