Be a Fly On The Wall... starts Monday! : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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Be a Fly On The Wall... starts Monday!

by Joanne Hillestad on 01/09/15


Be a Fly On The Wall...

Happy New Year!!  
And a big... Cheers to you!
I can hardly believe it is 2015!  My son, Ryan, graduates from high school this year.  Way back in Kindergarten it seemed impossible to get to 2015. But here we are! I have a lot of exciting things planned for the next year! Some are still in the 'secret' stage... you will all have to wait for those to appear. Others are ready to talk about.

First up...

Starting next Monday, January 12th, eleven very brave designers are going to give you a peek into their studios. I personally have a LOT of cleaning left to do and I'm the first one up! Each day you will get to visit a different blog and find out if one of your favorite designers is messy, a neat freak, in a scary cellar, the list is endless... 

You will also get a peek at what many of them are working on right now! A sneak peek before the rest of the quilting world! 
Each designer will have a fun giveaway.

So, make sure you sign up to follow my blog so
you can get the link each day!

The Fabulously Brave, Possibly Crazy Designers (FBPCDs):

January, 2015
13th – Wendt Quilting
14th – Kenzie Mac & Co
15th – Swirly Girls
Links above will take you to 
each designer's blog.
Logos below will take you to their websites.


I have 2 new patterns coming out in January. The first is a fun table runner/placemat/bed runner pattern using a 30 degree triangle template called Tumbling Trees (FQG115). If you need a quick gift and have some fat quarters or larger scraps lying around... this table runner is a great option!

Available very soon!

Tumbling Trees Pattern FQG115
Add some embellishments for a holiday theme!
The second is called Sunset Stroll and it features
Horizon fabric collection by Kate Spain for Moda.

Expected release: February 2015.
Computer Guided Longarm Services by The Fat Quarter Gypsy

Stacy, North Branch and Pine City, MN Area
Call for an appointment today!

--More Info--
Chicken Update

The girls (and Bart) are faring pretty well thought is chilly weather.  On Christmas Eve we didn't have any snow, so they spent the day waiting for Santa free ranging in the yard.  By Christmas Day free ranging was pretty much done for the year. The girls just don't like to walk in the snow!  Chickens!!

I spent a chilly afternoon in the "fertilizer" insulating the bottom of the coop.  I haven't received a single "cluck, cluck, thank you" from a single one of them! Ungrateful fowl! It gets mighty chilly here in MN and I don't want Bart's handsome combs to freeze off!  

Here they are enjoying a warming day in the fall.
Isn't Bart a handsome rooster?

I had better get back to cleaning!!
Until Monday,

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Where to buy...
Whoopsa Daisy Farm
Wholesale: Checker DistributorsBrewer Sewing & 
E. E. Schenck

Comments (1)

1. Pam Schenck said on 1/12/15 - 08:47AM
It was good reading will some great storage ideas. I found a few things there is something in the photo 1 in the middle of the blue bolts,bottom center of patterns, flyer stuck on a quilt. That is all I can find at the moment.

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