Bury him? : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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Bury him?

by Joanne Hillestad on 09/20/13

Option 1 - Bury good old Lex with my stash!

Today is my first Blog posting EVER!  I think this will be a lot of fun.  I generally have all sorts of crazy things rolling between my ears, so hopefully I won't shock any of you.  Some of my closest friends won't even blink an eye at my postings.

I have been sewing since I was 5.  I can see it play back like a movie... I made a red and white striped pillow with my Mom and my neighbor Sara.  All hand sewn...  It was amazing to me. 

I created all sorts of clothing as a teen and young adult.  One day I'll post some pictures of my early outfits.  Once I became a mom of two silly boys, my dreams of sewing dresses and doll clothes was quickly replaced by quilting.  I have to thank my mom-in-law for introducing it to me in a way that made me instantly fall in love with it.  My first 2 quilts were made from flannel when my sons were both under 4.  Those snuggly blankets have lots of "unique" qualities that make me giggle now.  But the love those two boys had for them is heart warming. 

So, here I am today, pursuing my dream of designing quilts.  The journey has been fun and is no where near done! 

Until next time... and another way to defeat Lex :),

Jo... signing off.

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