I heard a bird... : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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I heard a bird...

by Joanne Hillestad on 03/31/14

I was beginning to fear spring would not arrive, when I heard a bird singing this morning.  It made me smile and take a moment to pause and enjoy a simple pleasure.  Sometimes I forget to pause and take in all the wonderful things that happen in my life.  Sound familiar?  

Speaking of wonderful things happening in my life…my weekend was spent with my sister Diane.  We travelled to Washington D.C. to attend the 2014 Creative Arts Business Summit (CABS) with Morna McEver-Golletz.  The group assembled was impressive.  I met designers I have been buying patterns and books from over the years.  At first it was a little nerve-wracking, but everyone was so friendly and nice that we soon fit right in. 

On Day 1 we discussed our mission statements, putting on our “CEO” hats, dreaming big and visualizing success.  Seems simple, but as the day went on it became clear how important taking the time to embrace our businesses and shoot for the stars is to success.  One of my favorite takeaways was the novel notion that everything I do should be an “Oscar winning performance”.  My first eZine needs to be an Oscar winning performance.  Every pattern I produce needs to be an Oscar winning performance.  If a person maintains this mindset, it drives you to do your best always.  People who do their best consistently succeed! 

won't regale you all the things we did over the course of the CABS, but it was business changing!  Which leads me back to that bird… the one I heard and took the time to appreciate.  The same goes for my quilt designs.  They are like family friends and I need to appreciate them more.

Happy Quilting!


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