It's Day 1 of Quilters Newsletter's Best Fat Quarter Quilt Blog Hop! : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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It's Day 1 of Quilters Newsletter's Best Fat Quarter Quilt Blog Hop!

by Joanne Hillestad on 11/10/14

Hello all!

It is snowing like crazy here in MN today. What a perfect day to stay warm inside and quilt! Are you looking for a fun, new project?  If so, check out the Blog Hop going on all week for the Best Fat Quarter Quilts 2014 from Quilters Newsletter!

QN Best Fat Quarter Quilts 2014

Each day will feature designers whose quilts are featured in the publication. There are giveaways everyday... so check it out!!

Here's the link:  Blog Hop

Happy Quilting!!

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