It's that time of year again.... : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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It's that time of year again....

by Joanne Hillestad on 11/21/13

As I'm sure many of you have discovered, it is the time of year for the "Crud".  It hit our home in a span of 24 hours.  It left after about 36, thank goodness!  Hopefully you all have been healthy and happy!

It has been quite awhile since my last blog.  I'm am not a very good "bloggist".  But that's ok, I'll get better.  Since the last time I went to battle with Lex I have been to Quilt Market in Houston.  What a whirlwind weekend of fun that was!  I met so many incredible people just standing in line!  My sister and I walked the floor in what we called our "covert spy" mission.  Next spring I am going to have a booth of my designs at the Spring Quilt Market in Pittsburgh.  So this trip was all about soaking it in and trying to learn everything I could in 2 short days!  I also spoke with distributors and fabric companies, other designers, magazines... it was quite the experience!

The overall response to my designs was actually better than I hoped.  There are some mighty talented quilt designers out there... it make a girl humble.  As a very "green" designer, I have come to realize I have a lot to learn about this business.  I actually was nervous talking to people!  I have been a Database Analyst for so long that I don't get nervous talking to corporate execs and marketing people, but this brought on the shaking knees!  It makes a huge difference when it is all you they are critiquing!  Blondie (that's the sister) and I took all the feedback, good and bad, and logged it like crazed autobiographers!  Ok, that's a weird analogy... but it is sort of true.  It gave me a set of goals.  I like goals. 

So, to wrap this up, Lex must be smashed in some fantastic form this blog... I'm thinking the pile od batting in the long arm room has fallen over very suspiciously.  He is still alive, but at the moment he is in a pile of white and slightly confused... that will keep him busy until next time!!

Happy Thursday!


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