My Love/Hate Relationship : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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My Love/Hate Relationship

by Joanne Hillestad on 05/08/14

My love/hate relationship...

Today, May 7th, is my 20th wedding anniversary. It has been a wild ride!  2 wonderful sons, 3 dogs, 5 cats, 4 gerbils, a rat, 6 chickens and 2 major illnesses later... it is still wonderful.

However, this is not the love/hate relationship in my life. That relationship is with my stitch ripper!

I can hear many of you groaning right about now. The stitch ripper is one of the most useful, yet dreaded tools in any quilter's sewing box.  
I used to be one of those girls who, upon making a mistake, would spend 30 minutes trying to figure out how to avoid ripping the stitches. However, 9 times out of 10 I ripped them in the end anyways!

So, in an effort to make you love your stitch ripper... here are a few things to help you achieve that lofty goal:

1. Always remember that, unlike wood, if you make a little goof you have the ability to try again without tossing the whole piece.

2. Stitch rippers are CHEAP, more fabric is EXPENSIVE!

3. Think of all the time and love you are putting into your project... isn't it worth spending another 15 minutes (hours) ripping and re-sewing?

4. When all else fails and you can't get past the 'hate' feelings, name it after your favorite character in a romance novel!

Off to find Enrico and spend some quality time with him,


Doggie Town

What kid doesn’t love doggies? 
Especially, when his tail is just waiting to be tugged….

Skill Level
Advanced Beginner
Finished Sizes
Baby - 32” x 46”
Toddler - 43” x 61”
Twin - 68” x 88”
Pattern Available
Retail: Whoopsa Daisy Farm  Patterns and Kits
Wholesale: Checker Distributors & The Pattern Peddlers
granny dot in 7 fabrics
Sometimes I wish I was still a little kid!
Time for a little nonsense...
A Chicken Biography...
Buffy, the mother hen.
Buffy is my favorite chicken!  She is sweet and loyal.  At the moment, she is going through a broody phase.  I fear the issue stems from the golf balls in her nest.  She is determined to see them hatch! I had better remove them or she will never give up!

Whoopsa Daisy Farm

Featuring my patterns and kits too!

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