Pincushions, Lamp Shades and Cheese : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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Pincushions, Lamp Shades and Cheese

by Joanne Hillestad on 05/01/14

Pincushions, Lamp Shades and Cheese...

I have decided to stretch my creative brain this week by finding a way to link three seemingly random objects together in this newsletter.  

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about pincushions. My "almost Daughter", Sam, was over getting her prom dress altered when the needle I was using went awol. We looked high. We looked low. We looked in the carpet, we looked under a cow... ok, I am no Dr. Suess. Needless to say, pun totally intended, it was lost.  
About a week later, my son Nick informed me that he found the needle in his foot. This brought back a lot of childhood memories of my dad's foot. He was always the poor sole, again.... pun intended, that found our lost needles.  So, I have decided to create a new line of pincushions that are slightly outside the norm.  I have 4 great ideas, 3 tacky ones and a dozen or so that are not funny enough.  Give me a few months and I'll start sharing my masterpieces!

As I sit here typing, I find it is rather dark. I should reach up into the lamp shade and turn on the light. Ok, much better.  

As International Quilt Market approaches, I find the to-do list is starting to shrink and the excitement is growing by leaps and bounds! I am almost completely finished binding the models for Market. My quilter, Corrine Hill, has been working her tail off getting all  of my models through the longarm quilting machine. It is like Christmas morning when a box arrives with a quilt in it from her! I give very little direction to Corrine. She has a terrific eye and I have never been disappointed. I hope you enjoy her handy work in the photos below.

Forever Cheesy,

Spring 2014 Market Models

This quilt is sew in Moda's Bee My Honey fabric and quilted with an adorable bee hive pattern.

Quilt Pattern: Tabitha
The bright poppies are so beautiful and happy!  I absolutely love this quilt in this fabric!  The quilting is fun and really adds to its overall beauty!

Quilt Pattern: Window Sash - Angled
Bright and bold is the name of the game for this quilt.  The large print is center stage and the quilting really gives it depth!

Quilt Pattern: Window Sash - Angled
The stunning fabrics chosen for this quilt are a fun combination.  The quilting is fun and lively and just makes me smile!!

Quilt Pattern: Window Sash - Straight

All the pictures will link you to my website's Designs page... click on over and browse around.  
Camelot Fabrics asked me to design a quilt pattern to be offered free from their website.  This is a closeup of one of the blocks... to see the rest you will have to visit their site!  It is one of my favorite designs.  I originally designed it around the Nightfall collection of fabrics... but it has been adapted for the Design Studio Collection as well.  Enjoy!!

Pattern: Deco Ritz 
Available at: Camelot Fabrics

My teenage son is a huge fan of this quilt!  It is modern and masculine in the fabrics and quilting chosen... but it doesn't have to be!! 

Quilt Pattern: Streamline
All Patterns are available now...
Retail: Whoopsa Daisy Farm
Wholesale: Checker Distributors & The Pattern Peddlers

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