Quilter's Block Party... a fun blog hop!! : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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Quilter's Block Party... a fun blog hop!!

by Joanne Hillestad on 06/09/16


Quilter's Block Party

proof you don't want me on your team... bahahaha
I am today's guest blogger for Purple Moose Design's fun blog hop! The Head Moose, Terri, created a fun game for all of the crazy quilters out there. It is similar to Pictionary... but so much better... because it is all quilting all the time!!

I played the game in Washington D.C. last March with a wild and crazy group of creative professionals. Like any true introvert, I chose to hang back and guess only. This proved to be a wise position as the play got more involved and everyone started getting into the swing of things. It was so much fun! I can't remember who's team won... :)

Leave a comment (I'll need an email to contact you) on my blog post for a chance to win this fabulous prize... a Quilter's Block Party game and my newest pop-up pattern for your furry friends!  Winner will be selected on Monday, June 13th.  Visit the Head Moose's blog for a chance to win the Grand Prize too!
So, you all must know what is coming... 
Here are three cards for you to try to guess...
Drawing skills are lacking at the Fat Quarter Gypsy...

3 words. 

Answers are at the bottom.
Ok... this wasn't the most difficult one.  I decided to start with the one I considered my "Masterpiece".  Things go down quickly from here.

My son Ryan rolled his 19 year old eyes at this one and told me I should probably stick to quilt design.  Stinker...

4 words.

I added the little guy at the bottom and his big feet to help you with this one.  Probably just made it worse.

Lastly, the one absolutely 100% of my family and friends couldn't get.  
4 words.
Yes, that is a sailboat... and the wiggly stuff on the side is in the ocean... but pretend it isn't.  I just started drawing on that side.  Maybe seeing this drawing in person would have helped? Ok, fine... it is bad.  But I tried to remember my geography from memory.  It has been quite a few years since I was in High School.  That's a hint by the way.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read all the way to the bottom...
good for you!!

The Answers are...

1. Domino Chicken Feet
2. Steps to the Alter
3. Rocky Road to California

Comments (10)

1. Cheryl Parker said on 6/11/16 - 07:05AM
Oops! I didn't guess any of those (didn't try for very long, either, too early). jncparker4@comcast.net
2. Laura said on 6/11/16 - 09:13AM
This seems like such a fun game! I didn't guess any of the answers though. I think I would be the last pick if we were picking teams to play! Thanks for the chance!
3. Lori Morton said on 6/11/16 - 12:09PM
Did guess dominoes & chicken...but not feet! lol) No clue on the other two tho! giggle Looks like a super fun game!! Thank for chance to win your Give-a-way!! :D bearpaws9(at)copper(dot)net
4. Kim Lanagan said on 6/11/16 - 12:12PM
Looks like a fun game and love the new pop up pet bowls! Going to be making a few of them for me and my camping friends. The game I can play with my monthly quilting group.
5. Kim Lanagan said on 6/11/16 - 12:16PM
Forgot email address klanagan@sbcglobal.net
6. Terry D said on 6/11/16 - 01:07PM
I couldn't guess any of them - but once I knew the name of the block it was obvious!
7. Joyce Jackowski said on 6/11/16 - 08:20PM
Nice drawings, better than what I could do. That is why I choose to quilt as my artistic outlet. And my puppies would love a pop up bowl! ( I have two collies).
8. Cindy said on 6/11/16 - 08:37PM
Didn't guess any of them but I sure enjoyed the pictures! Thank you for the chance to win :)cindy at quiltdoodledesigns dot com
9. Cheryl Parker said on 6/29/16 - 11:44AM
Has someone won? jncparker4@comcast.net
10. Jo said on 6/29/16 - 11:51AM
Yes, Lori M won. Sorry u forgot to leave a comment.

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