She needs a name... : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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She needs a name...

by Joanne Hillestad on 11/04/14

So, I busticated the upper tension thingy on my fancy, awesomely wonderful, favorite sewing machine. I know how I did it too... I needed a bag to haul my foam floor to Houston for Market. So, I whipped up a HEAVY duty bag and I remember her complaining and then having issues.... but I had to get it done. Bad me. She is not the machine to abuse like that!

It occurred to me that I hadn't named her yet!  I name everything:

Longarm: Edith - She is a reliable, older lady that never complains and brings me cookies.

Glamper-to-be: Shirley - She is fun loving and adorable and needs a truck named Laverne.

Minivan: Wonder Van - BEcause we wonder how she is still rolling down the road

And the list goes on and on.

Here's where you can help... read the description below and send me names to choose from in the comments.  I look forward to your sense of humor!!

Happy Stitching!

Personality Profile of my Sewing Machine:
High Maintenance
A little bit Prissy
Doesn't like to do hard work
Does like being the top machine int he studio
Likes expensive fabric

Comments (2)

1. Betty Woodlee said on 11/5/14 - 05:22AM
I think Theresa would be a good name. I worked with someone who fit your machine to a tee!
2. Bunnie said on 11/13/14 - 08:41PM
how about Veronica

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