Something new for your Friday : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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Something new for your Friday

by Joanne Hillestad on 08/29/14

I have been a very naughty newsletter writer lately.  So, I will quickly post a little info about my 3 new patterns to my blog.

First up is Secret Garden.

This is a fun way to use that jelly roll you have fallen in love with!  All you need is a set of 40 - 2 1/2" strips, sashing and a border... and shazam!  Add some appliqued leaves if you want and you will have your own personal Secret Garden!!

Secret Garden Quilt Pattern

Do you have a new baby girl in the family?  Sweet Ups and Downs is the perfect quilt for that adorable little bundle of joy!  Add some minke for the backing and it will be so soft and snuggly!

Sweet Ups and Downs Quilt Pattern

And for my more modern quilters.... Bumble!
All you need is a stack of fat quarters and a main fabric.  Grab something dark and it becomes a masculine quilt any guy would love to have!

Bumble Quilt Pattern

So, there you have it!  Three new patterns to inspire you.

Happy Quilting!

Comments (1)

1. Elaine said on 8/29/14 - 11:11AM
Hi! They look great I love the chevron edge on ups and downs and that bumble looks like atoms or something totally scientific. Add some great fabric and it's fit for a professor. Good job!

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