Sometimes even the designer of a quilt goofs up! : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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Sometimes even the designer of a quilt goofs up!

by Joanne Hillestad on 03/04/14

This post is to inspire all of my quilting friends...

I was excited to show off my new quilt Chopped!.  After I posted it to facebook I looked at it closely and realized I PUT THE WHOLE TOP TOGETHER WRONG!!!

Isn't that hilarious?  Yes, for you all... not so much for me.  I have been ripping it apart and putting it back together all afternoon.  It will be my original vision when I am done.  I long ago gave up my hatred for that little tool we all dread using... but know it is going to happen... the stitch ripper!  Now I just accept it and know that I will be sooooo much happier in the end.

Moral of this story:
Ever great quilter has at least 3 stitch rippers within 10 feet of them at all times.  

I'm almost positive this is true!  I would be surprised if there isn't one in my nightstand drawer!  Maybe your quilting greatness is measured in stitch rippers?  Intriguing thought isn't it??

So, Lex is going to suffer a round of accidental pokes from my stitch ripper this time. Who needs Superman with you have quilting notions at the ready???

Happy quilting!

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