Take him to Girl's Weekend : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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Take him to Girl's Weekend

by Joanne Hillestad on 01/20/14

I'm so excited!!  This weekend is our annual Girl's Weekend!  This must be our 5th or 6th now at least.  We have such a fun time.  I sew all day and all night long, only stopping to eat and sleep.  We watch chick flicks and laugh and laugh!  This year I am going to try to get my girlfriends to help me make a "how-to" video.  I think it will be an annual thing... I'll see what questions they have for me and then make a video showing helpful tips.  Maybe I can even get some of them to be actors!

I have several designs sketched on graph paper that I am dying to put together.  Hopefully by the end of the weekend I will have 3 new patterns to start producing.  Might have to produce an annual pattern line all from Girl's Weekend.  That would be fun, fun, fun!

Last year I put together 2 quilts.  The first is a fun quilt using all sorts of scraps, a bunch of white on white, silly chubby people fabric and embroidery.  I will post a picture of "Girl's Weekend" on the About page.  I also designed Ziggy Zaggy Baby, which is in test sewing right now.  There is a picture of it on the right hand side of my home page.  I had writer's block for a good 9 months on that one.  Sometimes it is hard for me to explain how to do something.  Once I figured out how I wanted to explain it... then it was easy! 

I am on the verge of a lot of new patterns.  Photos are holding a few up, others are still be tested... I will list them here for you to try to picture in your heads!




Ziggy Zaggy Baby (ok, you can see that one)

River's Bend

Window Sash (this is 2 patterns in one)

Latte Da

Secret Garden


Ok, enough.  Lex is going to be defeated by massive amounts of estrogen this time!  Ha!


Until I am inspired to write again!


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