Wednesday Wow... A Cool Tool and a Tip! : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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Wednesday Wow... A Cool Tool and a Tip!

by Joanne Hillestad on 12/05/18

Wednesday Wow - The Stripology Rulers
It is Wednesday and I have decided that every Wednesday will be... Wednesday Wow!
I will find something cool to WOW you with!  It might be a tip... a tool... another designer... you'll have to check in and see!

Today it is a Tool and a Tip!
This ruler is the Stripology Ruler by Creative Grids. 

Of all of my specialty rulers, this is BY FAR my favorite.
I use if for all strip cutting... especially if I need to subcut squares or rectangles from those strips.
The accuracy is so much better than with a standard ruler.  It is a little crazy.

I'm not going to give you a full tutorial here... there are great instructions that come with the ruler. 
The instructions are also available here.

Instead, I have a tip for you!
When I use the ruler I am almost always cutting a lot of squares.
Lots and Lots of squares.  It makes very short work on this task.  LOVE IT!

However, it is easy to use the wrong slot by accident.


I have a tip to help solve that issue... and it is so easy.
Plus, it involves office supplies... which I love.  I truly LOVE Office Depot.  

Ok, back to tip.

I use peel and stick arrows... like the ones they use when you buy a house.  You know, the arrow stickers pointing to where to sign your life away.

I line one up at each slot I am going to use across the bottom edge.
Since they are peel and stick and peel and stick and...
I use them until the stickiness totally dies.  That is a lot of times!

You can also use regular sticky notes too... just draw an arrow on it and cut apart into smaller pieces.


Works like a charm!
Here I have a larger, in-action shot:

There are 2 additional Stripology rulers available:

This is the Stripology Squared Ruler

This is the Stripology Mini Ruler.

You can find these rulers at your local quilt shop!

Here are a few patterns that the Stripology Ruler would work well with...

Comments (1)

1. Bunnie Cleland said on 12/6/18 - 11:17AM
I just got the small Stripology ruler. I love your tip for using a little marker to mark the slots. Even though it has little symbols, I have missed the slot. I look forward to using the little one, too!!

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