Wow... winter is back again! : How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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Wow... winter is back again!

by Joanne Hillestad on 02/20/14

It is another snowy day in MN... no surprise there.  Yesterday it was so warm... in the 40s!  Snow melted for the first time this winter and I saw brown grass!!  I found it sad that I was excited about seeing the edges of the dirt roads... but I will take it.  Today it is snowing like crazy and it is very pretty.  Fresh snow is always fun... maybe the kids will get a day off tomorrow?  

I have been so busy with my quilting designs!  Streamline is through testing and at the final editing stage.  Photos are done, test sewing is done, and done again.  I am so close!

Tabitha is also just about ready to go.  Printing is next for that one!

River's Bend is written and off being tested... my tester is going to be sewing like a crazy person.  Luckily she is family and can't escape my clutches...LOL.

There is more.. but I will save those for next time.  I am also busy designing a pattern for Camelot Fabrics (also off being tested) using their Nightfall collection.  If you go out to their website you can see the fabrics.  Black, white and gold... should be fun.  I just sent in a design idea for their Pepsi collection today.  We will see.  It is a bit busy... but I was thinking of college freshmen at the time.  Busy quilts hide stains. Perfect!

Until I sit myself down and write some more... and before I forget... Lex is buried in snow today.  Ugh.

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