How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric

Who knew?

by Joanne Hillestad on 07/17/14


Who knew?...

Who knew?  What you ask?  Me actually!

I am amazed everyday how many things I know and how many more I don't!  I have been sewing and quilting for decades, yet this week I discovered I don't know squat about presser feet!

Every day there is something new to learn and I find that exciting and fun.  
What else is exciting and fun??  Lots of things... here are just a few and why:

Gardening:  I grew up with a front yard that was a vegetable garden instead of a lawn. My mom grew all sorts of veggies and flowers in that little city lot! Now I have a huge vegetable garden, many flower gardens, raspberries, etc, etc, etc. I never have quite enough time for all the work involved, but I do my best. I also love canning and freezing all the goodies I grow.

Photography:  I became hooked on photography many years ago. I took my first class when I was in elementary school during the summer. It was all black and white on my 110mm camera! How funny is that? I realize I have aged myself and my kids will have to google 110mm cameras, but oh well! I enjoy the challenge of composing that perfect shot. 

Glampers:  If you are unfamiliar with "Glamping", let me introduce you.  Glamping is Glamorized Camping.  A Glamper is a glamorized camper!  I am in the process of glamorizing a 1974 Airstream Argosy trailer named Shirley. I don't have any new pictures to share... she is a work in progress that is going slowly. I truly enjoy all the hard work I have been putting into her restoration. So far it has challenged me to learn electrical systems, plumbing, hvac, aluminum repair, riveting, laminate floor installation, countertop building and so much more! I am DYING to get to the part where I get to finally sew all the curtains and cushions. It has been hard to hold back, but I use it as the carrot to keep me moving on the boring stuff no one will see.

I hope you have enjoyed a little peek into my hobbies,

River's Bend

River's Bend is a collaborative effort between myself and my son Ryan.  It is a great way to feature those vertically inclined prints that you hate to cut apart into pieces.
Retail: $10.00

Available Now!
All Patterns are available now...
Retail: Whoopsa Daisy Farm
Wholesale: Checker DistributorsBrewer Sewing & The Pattern Peddlers
Copyright © 2014 The Fat Quarter Gypsy, LLC, All rights reserved.

The Fat Quarter Gypsy's Travel Log - It's All Jeff's Fault!

by Joanne Hillestad on 06/26/14


It's all Jeff's fault!

Jeff and Joanne
My little brother, Jeff, was texting me one night with quilt ideas.  He is excessively smart, creative and slightly odd (which is a huge compliment in my family). As my "little" brother (he is ALMOST 40!... had to get that jab in), we have always been buddies.  I am the third child.  Jeff is the baby... and there is almost 5 years between us. Therefore, I had quite an impact on his early development. I probably dressed him in cute outfits against his will, made him have tea parties, and on and on. I consider him one of my best friends.
Back to the story, all this mushy, sentimental stuff will just embarrass him at this point in his life! 

Anyways... he is my go-to guy for photography issues, math homework questions for my boys, and general pc fixing. Our discussion via text messaging started with a general follow-up to my son's homework question about inverse trigonometric functions and somehow ended up a brainstorming session about quilts. One of the resounding messages I took home from Quilt Market this year was the desire for more "guy" quilts. So, I mentioned this to Jeff. Next thing I knew it was an hour+ later and I had a whole bunch of hilariously awesome ideas drawn all over my graph paper! We had so many great geeky ideas that they should almost be put in a book... "Quilts for the Geeky Guy". Being a database analyst for the last 21 years might end up being a good thing for my quilt design career! 
River's Bend Quilt Pattern
Before I tell you what Jeff is in hot water for, here is one of my most popular "guyish" quilts...  River's Bend. Not only is it a beginner's pattern and a wonderful design to feature those long, vertical prints, but, it is also designed (in part) by my son Ryan! He was 16 at the time. I was trying to figure out how to use the kayak print and this is what he and I came up with. More him than I, but still a team effort. 
Ryan doesn't like his friends to know he has an eye for graphical patterns and likes advising his mom on her quilts. I call him my very, very silent partner. One thing he does like is the cut in sales he gets. His first response was early retirement. Funny when you think about it since I haven't retired yet and he is only getting 5%... but he was 16! 

Now, back to that pesky, little brother. He filled my head with so many funny quilt ideas that I couldn't sleep a wink!  I woke up over and over again all night long. As a result, I have decided that he is the reason I got the crud and haven't written a newsletter in weeks.  I honestly spent an entire weekend in bed... thank goodness for antibiotics and a doctor willing to give them to me!  I'm all good now, but for a few days I wasn't sure I would ever get better. As a true older and wiser sister... it is all his fault and I'm telling mom!!

Off to "report" Jeff's latest naughty,
River's Bend Quilt Pattern
River's Bend Quilt Pattern
River's Bend in a beautiful woodpecker print and a fun, beachy version.

And just when my husband thought his chicken nightmares were over... bahahahahahahaha!

Time for a little nonsense...
From the husband's point of view...
Mikey's Chicken Nightmare
Today I introduce you to my 5 newest, cutest, littlest and most adorable chickens! They are about 2 months old. I have spent the last week getting to know each of them and giving them names. 

In order from left to right:
Mary Poopins
and last, but not least...
Bart (Bartricia is a egg appears)

They join the coop with Buffy, Gertrude, Dumbledora, Georgie and Lena.

Chicken Eggs
Check out my blog post from 6/24 about my favorite notion from Spring Quilt MArket.  10 patterns designers are hopping from blog to blog. We are each talking about our favorite notion and giving away a fun prize!  Check out the list of fun designers here!

I wrote about Clover Wonder Clips.  You still have time to comment on the blog and win a set of clips! Drawing is on Friday, 6/27.  

Today's blogger extraordinaires are Kate Colleran and Elizabeth Balderrama of Seams Like A Dream Quilt Designs. Their nifty tool is pretty darn awesome... makes a girl think she might need one!!
Whoopsa Daisy Farm

Now carrying Deco Ritz quilt kits in 2 fabric collections! Use coupon code FQGYPSY10 for 10% off your first purchase today!

International Association of Creative Professionals
Forward me to a friend so they can join the camp!
I want to join The Fat Quarter Gypsy Camp!

Notion Commotion... Wonder Clips!

by Joanne Hillestad on 06/24/14

Notion Commotion Blog Hop

It’s that time again… Notion Commotion!

My favorite notion from Market this year isn’t a new notion.  Instead, I went back to an old favorite… Wonder Clips by Clover!  I just love these little clips.  There are quite a few reasons why… I will save the most important for last.

Wonder Clips

Pins have been the standard forever and ever.  When working on a binding, I always had a few pins moving along the edge as I worked my way around.  Pin… stitch a bit, unpin, re-pin, hope you don’t get poked, pray it is all still straight and the pins haven’t actually slightly pulled or scrunched the area you are working.  We have all been there!

Now, add it to the complexity of a bias binding on a curve and up go my hands in virtual defeat!  I used to avoid curved binding at all costs, not anymore!

Wonder Clips are made to fit snuggly over the binding without pinching or pulling it.  They allow you to get that binding exactly where you want it and keep it there until you stitch it down!  Fantastic… right?

But wait…. There’s more!  (I just couldn’t resist… LOL)

They also have a nifty set of marks for getting those bindings perfectly measured! The standard little red clips have markings for ¼” and ½”!  The base of the clips are flat, so they slide right up to the presser foot with ease.  The Jumbo Wonder Clips are the “cool big-sister” to the original.  The jumbo size has 2 additional markings for ¾” and 1”!

Jumbo Wonder Clips

Here are some great places they are very handy:

1.       Quilt binding

2.       Piping… fits right over the top

3.       Thick layers

4.       Heavy fabrics like vinyl and decorator fabrics

5.       Handles on things like purses and bags

6.       Hemming anything

7.       Bias work on curves

And finally… the most important reason why Wonder Clips are a staple in my sewing and binding kit…

I like to sit and bind my quilts as I settle into bed and watch a little TV before I nod off for the night.  My husband, Mike, has been the unfortunate “missing pin locator” more than once.  Therefore, in order to maintain marital bliss in the Hillestad household, Wonder Clips are the only thing I use when I bind in bed!

So there you have it!  Comment on this blog post and you will be entered into a drawing to win a set of Wonder Clips and a fun pattern for a table runner to test them out on!  I will choose a winner on Friday, 6/27.

Happy Quilting!


Link to a video by Clover demonstrating the Jumbo Wonder Clips... Enjoy!

Notion Commotion Starts Today!

by Joanne Hillestad on 06/17/14


Join ten pattern designers in a fun blog hop to learn about our favorite new notions and a chance to win prizes!  Today is the kick off... 

First up is...

Kris Poor from Poorhouse Designs.  Follow this link to find out what her favorite new notions is!

Here is the list of participating designers... Click Here

Back to Reality...

by Joanne Hillestad on 05/29/14

Back to reality!

I got back from Pittsburgh after a week long adventure for Quilt Market!  What an experience!

Day 1: My mom and I took off in the wonder van on the Tuesday before Market.  I decided to get a car wash so the van would look nice.  I never wash my van during the winter because it is a lost cause on the dirt roads.  So, this was the first wash of Spring!  It came out pretty clean, however, mud settled at the bottom of my rims.  It felt like I was driving with square tires at freeway speeds!
I'm not much of a long distance driver, so I was slightly worried about venturing east. My brother loaned me his GPS "Zelda", however, we did something strange and it spent the entire first day trying to make us drive to Milwaukee.  

Day 2: Still driving east... ended in Pittsburgh!  Yeah!

Day 3: Setup day.  I quickly discovered that I had made a rookie mistake by not bringing a step ladder or 2-wheeler.  So, Zelda found us a Lowes and we were set. Mom and I found the convention center and set up began.  It was hotter than something I won't say... but we got it done.
Spring Quilt Market 2014
Day 4: Market begins! I was slightly nervous. Many people think I'm an extrovert, but the reality is that I am very much an introvert.  So, this was not a walk in the park for me. But I put on my friendly face and got down to business. I sold a few patterns, met a few friends and made some great contacts!

Some of the characters from Aisle 20 at Market...
Ronnie from Print Concepts
Vanessa from Fabric Confetti by Vanessa
Susan and Penni from Cabin In The Woods Quilters
Gary and Jen from PM Quilting
Print Fabric Concepts
fabric confetti by Vanessa
Day 5: Sold a few patterns, talked to some magazines and made a bunch of new friends!  Mom and I were really starting to get into the swing of things.  One of the most important things I learned from this whole experience is what makes my quilts a little bit different from all the rest.  I am still analyzing the feedback from store owners and others... but I think I have a better idea of where I want to take my designing going forward.  

Day 6: The last day of Market!  It was rather slow in the booth, but I gained a new distributor, Brewer Sewing.  Look for my patterns through them soon.  I also talked to quite a few fabric companies and other industry professionals and spent a lot of time laughing with my aisle-mates!  What a great group of crazy, crazy talented that is, people!

Day 7: Head for home!

That wraps up my week at market!
Can't wait until October and my next booth in Houston!

Happy Quilting!
Visit my 'Where To Buy' page for a list of retail and wholesale options.  Thanks!

One more thing...

Below is the Deco Ritz quilt I designed and pieced for Camelot Fabrics.  It was a hit... Yeah!

Check out the Camelot Fabrics Blog for last Thursday... what a nice surprise!  Thanks Vanessa!
Deco Ritz for Camelot Fabrics
And the winner is... Kitty Keller of Patricia's Fabric House in East Rochester, NY. Your free set of patterns is in the mail! Thanks to everyone who stopped by my booth at Market!
Time for a little nonsense...
Shirley Update... the glamper of my dreams, almost.
I have had a hard time finding time to work on Shirley... my glamper.  But I thought I would post a few pictures of some of the fun things I have accomplished!

Here is a list (just to make myself feel better)

1. Removed the rotten subfloor, replaced it and put down laminate that is almost lined up and almost straight!
2. Greased 2 of the 4 wheel bearings... while wearing pink gloves!
3. Removed all of the broken appliances... and found a few craigslist replacements!  Woot!
4. Painted the interior walls.
5. Added fake tin ceiling panels down the center.
6. Replaced the inverter and put in a new circuit breaker.
7. All new pex plumbing... except the darned bypass valve.  I keep getting it wrong.
8. Talked my wonderful father-in-law into building me a U-shaped dinette... it is awesome!
9. New potty and painted all the bathroom fixtures... and put them back in!  This is really the only thing that is almost completed.  Just needs the final plumbing outside finished up.

AND most importantly...

10. Bought all the fabric about 3 times over (as I change my mind) for the "fun" stuff inside!  I do love my fabric!

Shirley will be so awesome when she is done!!

What's New...