How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric
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How to fight Lex Luther using only fabric

Time to quilt something for fun!

by Joanne Hillestad on 04/15/14

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I had the great fortune to spend time getting to know Susan Emory of Swirly Girls Design a few weeks ago.  We were at the Creative Arts Business Summit in Washington D.C.  I monopolized the seat next to her on Day 2 so I could ask her all sorts of questions about EVERYTHING quilt design.  It was fantastic!

Why am I telling you this?  Because, at the end of the summit I decided to sew her new "Overnight Sensation" pattern and use it as a subject for several blog posts!

Getting Started:

Update 1:

And the last update... haven't sat down to sewing in the evenings for a few days. However, we are supposed to go back into winter tomorrow... so I might just have a little time!

Happy Quilting!

I heard a bird...

by Joanne Hillestad on 03/31/14

I was beginning to fear spring would not arrive, when I heard a bird singing this morning.  It made me smile and take a moment to pause and enjoy a simple pleasure.  Sometimes I forget to pause and take in all the wonderful things that happen in my life.  Sound familiar?  

Speaking of wonderful things happening in my life…my weekend was spent with my sister Diane.  We travelled to Washington D.C. to attend the 2014 Creative Arts Business Summit (CABS) with Morna McEver-Golletz.  The group assembled was impressive.  I met designers I have been buying patterns and books from over the years.  At first it was a little nerve-wracking, but everyone was so friendly and nice that we soon fit right in. 

On Day 1 we discussed our mission statements, putting on our “CEO” hats, dreaming big and visualizing success.  Seems simple, but as the day went on it became clear how important taking the time to embrace our businesses and shoot for the stars is to success.  One of my favorite takeaways was the novel notion that everything I do should be an “Oscar winning performance”.  My first eZine needs to be an Oscar winning performance.  Every pattern I produce needs to be an Oscar winning performance.  If a person maintains this mindset, it drives you to do your best always.  People who do their best consistently succeed! 

won't regale you all the things we did over the course of the CABS, but it was business changing!  Which leads me back to that bird… the one I heard and took the time to appreciate.  The same goes for my quilt designs.  They are like family friends and I need to appreciate them more.

Happy Quilting!


Introducing 4 new patterns!!!

by Joanne Hillestad on 03/12/14

Good Day!  It is sunny and cold... but it was warm yesterday!  I'll take it!

I am happy to announce the availability of my 4 latest patterns.  Retail customers can order them from for direct ship.  


P.S. I just can't pick on Lex today :)
P.S.S. I have no idea why 2 of these pics are small and 2 are HUGE!

StreamlineWindow Sash
Rivers Bend

Sometimes even the designer of a quilt goofs up!

by Joanne Hillestad on 03/04/14

This post is to inspire all of my quilting friends...

I was excited to show off my new quilt Chopped!.  After I posted it to facebook I looked at it closely and realized I PUT THE WHOLE TOP TOGETHER WRONG!!!

Isn't that hilarious?  Yes, for you all... not so much for me.  I have been ripping it apart and putting it back together all afternoon.  It will be my original vision when I am done.  I long ago gave up my hatred for that little tool we all dread using... but know it is going to happen... the stitch ripper!  Now I just accept it and know that I will be sooooo much happier in the end.

Moral of this story:
Ever great quilter has at least 3 stitch rippers within 10 feet of them at all times.  

I'm almost positive this is true!  I would be surprised if there isn't one in my nightstand drawer!  Maybe your quilting greatness is measured in stitch rippers?  Intriguing thought isn't it??

So, Lex is going to suffer a round of accidental pokes from my stitch ripper this time. Who needs Superman with you have quilting notions at the ready???

Happy quilting!

Exciting news for Spring Quilt Market!

by Joanne Hillestad on 02/25/14

As my trusty side-kicks and Blog followers... I am excited to report that my pattern was accepted by Camelot Fabrics AND.... dah tah dah....

I am going to be sewing a model for display at Spring Market!!  Woot!!

I have been working my tail off getting my new patterns ready... and so has my sister!  She is helping me edit and test them all.  We are a serious team now!  I have posted 4 new patterns in recent weeks to my website.  Hopefully you have noticed them when you came to visit my blog!

Streamline is a modern, tilted quilt that is fun for those "hard to quilt for" teenage boys and girls too!

Tabitha is a fun, quick and easy Fat Quarter Friendly pattern that is very fun to put together.

Window Sash will give those large, directional prints a quilt to be showcased in!  I love them and this quilt makes them shine!

And finally... River's Bend.  Ryan (my 17 yr old) helped me design this quilt.  It is stunning in person.  I have plans to model it in some fun fabrics the ladies might like.  Ryan gets 5% of the sales... so he is planning his retirement as we speak... silly goose!

That is the news from here!  Sign up for my email newsletter... first edition comes out in March!  So far only my friend Rochelle has been brave enough to give me her email address... hmmm.  Mom??!!?? how about you??  LOL

Until next time.... Lex gets off the hook this week because I'm out of ideas relating to snow... no wait!  Lex came to an unfortunate demise when a large load of fabric caused my wonder van to skid on the ice last week.  Seriously, that was a crazy storm!

Happy Quilting and keep the foot pedal going full blast ladies!!

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